Weekly Digest #174

Weekly Dev Blog
May 13, 2024



Goodbye, Clean Code

Everything has trade-off, even a clean refactor

You can not appreciate what you do not understand

By appreciating more, you can experience the world with higher intensity. Everything and everyone becomes interesting, fascinating, and stimulating. It will become your new healthy stimulant.

Founders Need to Be Ruthless When Chasing Deals

First, we asked them basic questions about the process: the success criteria, the decision timeline, did a budget exist, who had the purchase authority, what were the roles and approval processes of other organizations (IT, Compliance and Security, etc.) and what was the expected rate of scaling the product across their enterprise.


Guide to Vision-Language Models (VLMs)


awesome-local-ai An awesome repository of local AI tools

CoreNet: A library for training deep neural networks


Leaf Art

A case for socks with toes

